Senin, 22 September 2014

Let's talk about Yaya!! ^_^

Hai, i would to intruduce myself. My name is Novia Suryani, but you can call me Yaya. I was born in Lamongan 3rd Nopember 1995. I come from Brondong Pacrian Lamongan, nearly from WBL (Wisata Bahari Lamongan).
Let's talk about my personal. I like movie, very like. specially adventure movie like Harry Potter. other that I like reading, read novel. I like color Brown and pudding coklat. My favorite food is fried rice and burger. I like music, Pop and jazz. my favorite singer is Justin Bieber and my favorite song is Never say never like my motto. by the way, i do like beach. really like. Because if I in there, i feel comfortable and calm. And my dream to be a photographer.
oke, next about my Family. I have a happy Family! yeay! I have father, mother, and 2 siblings. my father name is Suparman, he is a farmer, but I proud about his job. my mother name is Sumanah, she is a pretty woman i have seen in the world, she is ahouse wife, and i love her very much. I have 1 little sister, her name is Putri, the cute and smart girl. she is in 4 year in elementary school. I have 1 little brother, his name is Syihab. he is very cute and i love him so much. he is still 4 month.
My education background. my first studied at MNU kindergarten 12 of Tlogoretno, than at Brengkok 1 Elementary school of brengkok. next, i studied at Al-akbar Junior school, then at SMKN 1 Brondong, and Finally, now i study in Electronic Engeneering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (EEPIS). Hore!!!!
I have a lot of friend, but I just 5 bestfriend in vocational high school. first, Atin who is the politeter than the others. second is Saroh, this girl is smarter than others. third is Nonik. Nonik is the kind person. fourth is Neta, the beautiful one. and the last is Anggun my Bestfriend, my sister, my patner in crime n my BBF.
I think that enough about my self. I hope you enjoy read in my blog. and see ya! ^_^

thank you,
Yaya :*

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